[Salon] Is China's Huawei a Threat or Is US Snooping the Real Phone Threat?


Is China's Huawei a Threat or Is US Snooping the Real Phone Threat?

If Chinese 5-G provider Huawei is a threat that the US can do nothing about, can we please see the evidence?

5-G Question of the Day

Who is the 5-G Threat?

Eurointelligence has some interesting and thought provoking Thoughts About Huawei

Italian, German and Belgian police scored a huge success two days ago in their fight against the ’Ndrangheta, the Calabrian mafia organization, which operates like a European corporation. 

The German police said they had trouble locating the most senior members of the crime ring in the past because they could not locate them. The ’Ndrangheta used to be old-school. They did not use mobile phones, and preferred to drive hundreds of kilometers in their cars to meet up. The German end of the raid succeeded this time because police were able to locate the mobile phone of one of the main suspects. The interesting question for us is how did they do this?

When intelligence agencies, the German one included, warn about Huawei as a provider of 5G technology, they are claiming that Huawei would send the data to China. Huawei has retorted that it is technically feasible to stop this, and has offered to co-operate. Our, albeit limited understanding of this matter, is that Huawei is technically right. If we were really serious about adding a security lawyer, we would be able to do this. The question is: do we want to? We are wondering whether the stated reasons by the US and European security agencies are genuine. We recall that the US managed to eavesdrop on Angela Merkel, who has been one of the big supporters of Huawei’s 5G engagement in Germany. We would assume that her perspective on data security threat is a different one from that of the official narratives.

The Iraq weapons-of-mass-destruction fiasco should be a warning that we should demand incontrovertible proof from security agencies, and not base our political decisions on blind trust. If Huawei poses a security threat, we feel that it is a claim that needs to be subjected to the same standard.

Key Question of the Day

Do we really fear that the Chinese government can listen in on the phone conversations or do we fear we won’t be able to do this ourselves anymore?

This post originated at MishTalk.Com

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